No. 1215

easy heart and soul

whisper of being in dreams

a smile and a tear 

a haiku for Viola Lorraine my mother

no. 12125…strange to number a piece, but this number has particular significance to me.  And…I am a numbers girl.  She would have been 97 years old on the 21st of January.  No longer here, but present in my heart as I worked on this painting. Appropriate inspiration, for my mother was my biggest fan in life and and major encourager of all my work.  I sent it off to a another artist friend for a judgement call, her response was, “ Do you see the heart?”  I didn’t, since I didn’t paint it in deliberately.  But once she mentioned it, of course, there it was. 

The cool thing about abstract art: you see what you need.


It Never Rains In Southern California

